Price comparison

We are on a mission to myth bust some of the hearsay that you may be hearing around campus.

“Food on campus is so expensive.”

 “There’s nothing available for those on a lower budget.”

“Prices on campus are far more expensive than on the high street.”

In response to the comments, we really want to make sure we are delivering value for money, where we can, for our customers at the University of Leicester. We carried out our own benchmarking across popular locations in close proximity to the University, to compare our prices to that of local businesses.

In April 2023, we visited local establishments on Queens Road and London Road. Below is a summary of our findings.

Overall, on average, we are found to be 37% cheaper.


The analysis shows that our prices are either lower or competitive to the local establishments that are of a similar setting against like-for-like products. We always endeavour to provide you with value for money wherever we can.

TUCO (The University Caterers Organisation) has also commissioned price benchmarking across a multitude of universities against the high street. The Litmus Partnership who analysed the comparisons, has been working with TUCO for a number of years to break down the true figures for both high street and within the Higher Education sector.

TUCO commissions a quarterly benchmark of high street prices in North, South regions and also in Scotland.

Below in the analysis provided, you can see our prices are much lower than high street regions, providing you with cheaper prices and convenience.

If you break this down further, we are lower across a wide range of product categories, which is a great saving for you. Where we fared higher, were in the Ambient and Fresh filled rolls categories.

In regards to the Ambient average pricing, we decided on products to sell that are better in quality and not laced with lots of sugar and excessive artificial ingredients which comes at a slightly higher cost.

In the Northern region category summary below, you can get a better picture of how the average Higher Education basket prices are lower than that of the high street in many different categories.